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Adrian Zărnescu, CTO, Syswin Solutions: In agriculture we currently monitor 38,000 hectares of land

The Romanian agricultural sector is starting to show an appetite for the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, which brought Syswin Solutions an area of ​​38.00 hectares of land to be monitored through their IoT solutions, explains Adrian Zărnescu, CTO, Syswin Solutions, during the ZF High-Tech Innovation Summit 2019 event.

“Currently we cover in Romania 38,000 hectares monitored with IoT solutions. From ground solutions to air sensors. We hope that we will soon expand and observe an exponential increase in interest in agriculture for digitization “, says Adrian Zărnescu, Syswin Solutions, during the conference.

As an example, Zărnescu talks about Cerealcom Dolj, one of the largest agricultural producers and grain traders in Romania, which has implemented such IoT solutions.

“Cerealcom Dolj manages around 18,000 hectares, multi-culture. They asked us to monitor everything that means water reserves in the soil and microclimates that are formed due to climate change. For example, if the weather is ok, we analyze the data from a very small area and we can see if there are sudden, isolated changes, and we can warn the farmer a few hours in advance “, Zărnescu explains.

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